It’s Alive!

I’m typing this from my camper as I feed Little C. We are here in Austin, Manitoba for the Threshermen’s Reunion & Stampede! Hundreds of volunteers are working their butts off to make history come alive, and as usual they’re succeeding! I can hear the bangs and whistles, motors and flywheels. People are shouting and chatting and laughing. It’s a great place to casually walk, stroll, and hike while you learn about Manitoba’s agricultural history! The reunion lasts from July 24-July 27! There’s entertaining demonstrations on the grounds during the day, a fantastic rodeo at the grandstand in the evening and a ‘kick off your heels’ kind of dance at the Corn and Barley Corral at night!

Happy Canada Day!

Despite all the rain and it’s horrid consequences, I am determined to celebrate today! Our country is 147 years old today! For some reason I can’t download a picture on this site (I have a few cute ones I wanted to share) but oh well. My family is coming over later today for an impromptu supper. With one day’s notice it was hard to put together an impressive meal, but that’s not the point of having family over, is it!

I’ve been lucky enough to have the past few hours all to myself, but I hear Little C squawking on the monitor, so it’s time to put my ‘Mom’ hat on now.

We are so, so, so lucky to live in such a vast, beautiful, bountiful, peaceful Country. Happy Canada Day!